Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Week 1: Un-Textbook


Izanagi and Izanami
            I chose this selection because I am a anime nerd so I figured I would enjoy reading something else of Japanese origin.  I specifically chose this selection because many of the names and terms in "Izanagi and Izanami" are used frequently in an anime I watch.  Having a Christian background, it is neat to see several parallels between my faith and what was written in this story, such as there being chaos before creation and the imagery of a uncontrolled sea or watery expanse.  The ending was a bit more morose than I expected though but all in all was an interesting read, albeit a little hard to follow.

Infancy Gospels:  Jesus the Exorcist
              I chose this selection because honestly, I found the title to be amusing.  What I found to be most interesting about this story is the divinity given to Mary.  However my only note of the story would the title is kind of misleading, as Jesus has little to do with the story and Mary is the one who uses articles of clothing that Jesus was wrapped in.

Jataka Tales:  The Stupid Monkeys
               I chose this story because I wanted to do a random story and this one caught my eye.  It reminded me a lot of an Aesop fable or even a parable of Jesus.  

Cherokee:  How the Terrapin Beat the Rabbit
               For this last selection, I chose "How the Terrapin Beat the Rabbit" because I tried to make a fairly diverse list and this one caught my eye since it has a similar title as the story we all grow up hearing.  After reading it, I realized, due to my childhood of watching cartoons, that Looney Tunes copied this telling of this story with a synopsis here:  Tortoise beats Hare.

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